Tuesday, October 2, 2012


After being ditched earlier in the year - on the very day of our game - another friend Paul stepped up in his place so I could finally have a game with my entire collection. Thank you so much for doing this it was awesome!
We played 10,000 points a side.
5th edition.
Pitched battle.
6 Objectives which were cumulative scored at the end of the controlling players turn.
Any model may capture objectives with the exception of vehicles that are not currently transporting models.
Deployment was slightly different. The original plan was to bid for deployment as usual but bid a second number, this was for infiltrators. It didn't matter in the end as Paul just let me deploy first and didn't have any infiltrators.

Here's some photos I took. Some are a bit blurry sadly.

Here is my deployment with the infiltrators before I placed them.

These are my reserves and units inside transports.

Here is Paul's deployment. Not included is a squad of Nob Bikers on my right flank. Note: Paul left his Necron Pylon at home so we just used that piece of terrain with tubes in the top left corner as the pylon.

Looted Abrhams tank that is a skullhamma battle fortress

Here is my first turn movement. I really didn't destroy all that much. The Scorpion with aid from the two fire prisms took off 2 structure points from the Skullhamma. The Scorpion's blast also took out a Battle Wagon. I used the Strategic asset Blind Barrage in front of the pylon. The Cloudstrike Squadron took to the air. Night Spinner netted the Nob Bikers to prevent them turbo boosting.

Paul's first turn took off a structure point from the Scorpion and prevented the Fire Prism from firing.

Here the Pylon took out the command Falcon which was carrying Fuegan. Apparently being an Eternal Warrior doesn't save you from dying when you plummet 30,000 feet.

In my next turn I my Warp Spiders, Swooping Hawks, Shadow Spectres and Nightwing come in from reserves, I also deploy my dragons in front of the heaviest armour on the table.

Fearing an Apocalyptic Explosion my Wave Serpents all head for the short table edge. My Warp Spiders misshaped and were redeployed in my back lines 8ft away from where they were supposed to be! I also moved my Scorpion and Fire Prism up as I "feared being power fisted in the rear" (I suspected Snikrot would be coming in). Took me a moment why to realise why Paul was snickering when I said that.

In the end the Fire Dragons failed miserably and the Scorpion takes out the Skullhamma. We used the mini rule book as a crater as we were short on terrain this day.

In Paul's next turn some sneaky kommando's flank march near my home objective and between 4 burnas take out half of my Dark Reapers and most of the Dire Avenger squad that is there guarding.

Lootas in the middle building immobilise the Falcon while the MANz that were inside the Skullhamma roast 4 of the Fire Dragons leaving only the Exarch alive who challenges them to hand to hand combat.

Which he promptly loses.

These little gretchin took so much punishment, then proceeded to assault the Shadow Spectres, winning combat even! The Shadow Spectres survive with just one regular guy, the Exarch and Irillyth before leaving the combat via hit and run.

The Nob Bikers ride through two rounds of webbing before they manage to assault a Wave Serpent.

And of course wreck it and kill the squad inside.

Some crazy stuff happens in my next turn! The 3 Shadow Spectres decide to charge the Nobs. They win combat by one, Paul fails his leadership test and the Spectres kill them all in a Sweeping Advance...

The Warp Hunter, having had both its weapons blown off decides to ram the Pylon. Despite having holo-fields all it achieves is to wreck itself against the living metal construct.

Swooping Hawks move up to assault some looted wagons. I forgot Haywire wasn't that great in 5th ed. Manages to stop them both shooting for a turn at least!

Maugan Ra and jetbikes coming from reserves mess up one squad of kommandos however the other squad is mostly unmolested.

Paul's last reserves turn up.

Sneaky Snikrot!

15 deffkoptas!

Lots of shooting took out the Nob Bikers btw.

The last Nob Biker attempts to charge the Banshee Wave Serpent. A group of regular bikers shake the Fire Dragon serpent.

Lootas shoot the last Falcon in the back. Don't think they achieve much due to the Holo Fields.

All those Deffkoptas dropped a nasty weapon...

Look what it did!

A closer pic of the Storm Boyz. Or as a passer by commented "looks like they're carrying giant dildos on their backs. Donger 1 coming in for a landing!"

What happens when Ghazghull calls a WAAGH!

Kommandos multi-assault the Guardians and Dire Avengers.

Snikrot and warboss Teefreka assault two Guardian squads.

And of course kill the poor milita.

At least the Warp Spiders and Shining Spears do a lot better, drawing the combat. The Spears Exarch dies however so they cannot Hit and Run.

All while this is happening, Karandras is sitting in the middle of the board doing nothing.

Sadly we had to call it here at the bottom of turn three. Biel Tan was victorious due to the two Scorpion squads infiltrating onto the objectives. Paul was in a really good position to turn the game around now however! I swear he had more models on the table turn three than he did turn one. Thank you so much for the game Paul!

Things I learned: One Phoenix Lord on their own is pretty crap. Seven however are awesome! Ok well one did die before doing anything, another stayed in her transport all game and another watched the whole battle from the outskirts of some ruins. Still having solid units all over the battle that not only made their unit fearless but quite good in most situations was really handy. All together they cost 1560 points I believe, admittedly if I was looking to curb stomp someone and had the cash 4-5 lynx would be so much better, but I'm really happy I took them. I was hoping to blow the Skullhamma up with Fuegan's unit and have an Apocalyptic Explosion, wiping out everything in the area except Fuegan due to Eternal Warrior and have him be the only model standing within a 1-2 feet radius.
Also, perhaps it was because there was only 4 super heavies on the table but they didn't really seem that potent or game breaking. Took the Scorpion two turns of shooting to take out the Skullhamma and the Cobra was constantly firing at the Pylon but due to bad dice rolls didn't achieve anything. The Pylon took out a Falcon and Fuegan, and due to bad dice rolls only managed to shake the Nightwing.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you finally got to show off your miniature army. :) Sounds like you had fun. Good luck next time!
