Friday, August 24, 2012

Twin Linked 2012 this weekend!

So Twin Linked 2012 is coming up and whilst Im really really excited, I'm not very hopeful. Firstly my partner Tristan is notoriously unreliable, now with his new girlfriend and a new apartment he's moving into in the coming weeks I'm certain he's going to ditch me and not even have the curtsy of telling me. Secondly his attitude is really bad. He has a good mind for the game I call him my apprentice when introducing him to other 40k players but this weekend he's going to "do what I say and roll the dice when I tell him". What a joke, had I known sooner I wouldv'e posted on the WargamerAU forums looking for a random partner.

Originally I asked my rival Chris if he wanted to go, being the best player I know but he has no interest in doubles matches so I asked Wade, even though he cheats every chance he gets he wins often (... wait maybe it's the cheating?). With 3 months warning he didn't even consider it just said "no, working". Now it turns out he's coming to watch. *sigh* So we (mostly I) built Tristan's army from the small Imperial Guard force that belongs to Scott, could just scrape together 1000pts, whilst there is a lot of fire power it's all in squishy heavy weapons teams so I designed my force in mind with having a few offensive elements (Warp Hunter, Dark Reapers)whilst providing big juicy distractions (Avatar and Wraithlord) to hopefully draw fire away from said heavy weapons teams.

Here's what I'll be using as my objective markers.

Some close ups

And because Im in love with them a pic of my Scorpion and Cobra. Still not entirely finished.


  1. Good luck! :D

    Hey, the pictures are all so tiny. xD

    1. Ok so I've fixed the pictures they should be working thumbnails now. I'm not very good with HTML.

      After clicking on them you'll be taken to the site where I upload to, you should be able to click on them again for their actual full size picture.
