Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Another battle Vs 'crons 1500 (Fluff list) - 1/6/2001

So my list:



10 Fire Dragons                                                          

10 Striking Scorpions                                                        

10 Howling Banshees                                             

10 Dire Avengers                                                         

10 Dire Avengers                                                         

6 Warp Spiders                                                            

6 Swooping Hawks                                                            

5 Shining Spears inc Exarch                                                             

5 Dark Reapers


Total 1495


My opponents’ list was something along the following lines
Necron Lord Warscythe, res orb

Necron Lord Warscythe, Solar Pulse

Pariahs (decent size 6-8)

Immortals (once again decent size 6-8)

10 warriors

10 warriors

10 warriors

3 wraiths

5 or so scarab swarm

5 or so scarab swarm



Board: 4x4

Mission: Annihilation

Deployment: Dawn of War



Winning the roll off I decided to go first deploying my first Dire Avenger squad behind the left building near the centre of the board, my Avatar behind it as well and my second DA squad in the woods.


My opponent deployed his res orb lord about centre of his board and 2 warrior squads in a long line; the lord was attached to the squad on my left.


Turn 1

My opponent failed to seize the initiative and so the rear of my forces had to leg it to catch up.

My Banshees entered on the left edge inside them was the warp spiders who teleported up behind the small square spire.

My Reapers came in the middle I didn’t want to risk too many turns of bad rolling to try and get them up into a building so they made their way into the crater in the middle (I figure forcing my opponent to make 4+ cover saves from turn 2 is better than risking them not shooting till turn 3 or 4).

On the right side of the Reapers were my Scorpions beside the crater. Next to them the Dragons and flying up behind the building on my right was the Hawks.
he Shining Spears turbo boosted to behind the building middle right.


The left Dire Avengers moved and fleeted to the top of the building, the Avatar and right Dire Avengers moved forward and took shots at the left warrior squad downing 3-4.


Bottom Turn 1

After WBB I think 1 warrior died.

My opponent turbo boosted his wraiths into the crater middle left and both scarabs across the middle in front of the forest and in front of the Avatar who was between the forest and the left building.

He brought the 3rd warrior squad in behind the building in his DZ his Pariahs in the middle behind his other lord and warriors. The Immortals came in behind the right Warrior squad.

He cast Solar Pulse then shot at the Avatar the combined shooting took a wound or two off him.


Turn 2

My Banshees move up I figure a good fleet roll will see them into combat with the wraiths.

Warp Spiders teleport forward they are now between the spider and the centre-left building.

Scorpions move up keeping close to the Reapers in case the Wraiths survive and attack them.

Dragons stumble into the building.

Hawks fly over the building they are now between the right building and centre-right building.

I’m not sure what to do with the Shining Spears, I’m worried the Scarabs will tie my units up but at the same time I have a big gamble in mind, I fly them over the centre-right building and up in front of the 2 warrior squads in the middle.


Spiders and Reapers kill the wraiths.

Both DA squads shoot at the warriors w/ the lord maybe taking down 1-2.

Hawks shoot and assault the scarabs near the forest. I lost the combat but held.

Avatar shoots and assaults the scarabs in front of him. I was oddly worried about these units tying me up and being a hassle so I thought I would assault them on my own terms. I thought the Avatar would clear through them faster than he did and the Hawks role was to hold them up till the Scorpions got there.

Now for the big gamble, I did minimal shooting with the Shining Spears for fear of knocking down too many models to multi assault. This was a fairly big gamble, as I didn’t want to just throw away my Spears for another unit. So I charged both Warrior Squads I figured there was little chance all 5 would die and there’s no way Id lose on combat resolution so even if they didn’t break the warriors they’d prevent 20 odd gauss weapons coming my way. I killed something like 7 Necrons and only lost 2 in return from the Lords warscythe. Obviously winning the combat my opponent failed both Ld tests and the Shining Spears ran them down before flying away as far as the dice roll would let them.


Bottom of Turn 2

My opponent moved his remaining warrior squad up into the building in his DZ.

His Immortals and Pariahs who are now centre-right move towards the Shining Spears.

The Warriors shoot at my left Dire Avenger squad inflicting a couple of casualties.

The Immortals shoot at the Dire Avengers in the forest and I opt to go to ground with them – I'm a fluff player I didn’t want them dying! Besides I figure I can relieve the pressure next turn.

The Pariahs shoot at my Shining Spears killing the Exarch and one other. He’s just out of the Avatars bubble range and falls back outside of the Pariahs assault range and right into Fearless bubble range and he regroups immediately! How fortunate!


The Scarabs kill my Swooping Hawks – I think I lost 2 from Fearless wounds last turn. And consolidate.


Turn 3

My Banshees move up behind the middle-left building.

Spiders Jump over the building in between middle left building and the building in my opponents DZ in which the remaining warriors are hiding.

Dragons and Scorpions move forward The Shining Spear filled by Khaines’ blood lust heads straight back towards the Immortals.


Spiders and Dire Avengers in the building shoot the Warriors (DAs in the forest are still pinned).

Dragons shoot a couple of Scarabs not too many to keep them within range of the Scorpions.

Reapers take out a Pariah or two.

Scorpions charge the Scarabs that killed the Hawks. I think they held.

The Shining Spear shoots and charges the Immortals, winning the combat but they hold.

The Avatar kills his way through the Scarabs and consolidates forward.


Bottom of Turn 3

Warriors do some WBB rolls as they weren’t all wiped out, they have lost some numbers now though.


Warriors shoot the left Dire Avengers.

Pariahs shoot and charge the Avatar (Back in Feb I managed to buy a Rogue Trader era Avatar so I named him Babatar the baby Avatar) Babatar kills a few Pariahs and takes a wound in return dropping him to 1. High WS + T is good!
The Shining Spear is busy trying to kick Immortals whilst their attacks bounce harmlessly off the Jetbike.

The Scorpions finish off the Scarabs and head towards the Immortals though they are a little ways off.


Turn 4
Banshees move and fleet towards the Avatar and his combat.

Scorpions continue towards the Immortals the Dragons following behind.


Spiders and both DA squads shoot the Warriors dropping them to two.

The Reapers had no LOS.


Only 5 or so Banshees got into range of the combat I managed to kill several Pariahs.

The Immortals and Shining Spear continue to do nothing to each other.


Bottom of Turn 4

WBB brings the Warriors up to 6ish who shoot at the Warp Spiders killing 2, they fall back and land on-top of the building next to the left Dire Avengers.


The Immortals finally kill the Shining Spear.

Babatar and the girls kill the Pariahs, the Necron Lord makes some 4++ saves and he slays Babatar!


Turn 5

Spiders re-group.

Scorpions and Dragons move into range of the Immortals.


Dire Avengers and Spiders shoot the warriors dropping them to 1 I think.

Dragons opt to shoot a few shots at the Immortals to make sure the Scorpions are in charge range.


Scorpions charge the Immortals and kill them all.

The Necrons fade away….

Not the most interesting battle but the Shining Spears certainly shone brightly.

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